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Members at work

Merchant Navy medal recipient Captain Jerry Mooney reflects on his career and service in training and mentoring deck officers

  • Telegraph
  • 27 September 2024

Protect yourself from criminalisation

  • Telegraph
  • 25 September 2024

Maritime Charity Column: QVSR's new cruise crew lounge - a much-needed facility for a group of seafarers who are often overlooked

  • Telegraph
  • 25 September 2024

Scandinavian Star disaster: union campaigner accuses Danish maritime authority of 'conspiracy '

  • Telegraph
  • 24 September 2024
General secretary message

Turning the tide on shipping's decline and supporting maritime employment

  • Telegraph
  • 19 September 2024
Podcasts from Nautilus

Off course podcast : series 3 - join us for a sideways look at life at sea

  • Telegraph
  • 19 September 2024

Time out with a trailblazing third officer

  • Telegraph
  • 19 September 2024

The Just Transition: reasons for research

  • Telegraph
  • 17 September 2024

Mapping Our Maritime Future - groundbreaking decarbonisation research from the Nautilus Federation

  • Telegraph
  • 17 September 2024
Nautilus partnerships

Unlock ethical savings and loans with new Commsave Credit Union partnership

  • Telegraph
  • 17 September 2024
Sponsored content

Astro to AI

  • Telegraph
  • 13 September 2024

Global training initiatives for women in maritime offer valuable insights for European seafarer unions

  • Telegraph
  • 10 September 2024

Be more than a bystander: how to be a male ally against workplace gender discrimination

  • Telegraph
  • 10 September 2024
Nautilus news

War and peace: the making of a trade union

  • Telegraph
  • 09 September 2024

David Appleton: AI in maritime – hype vs reality

  • Telegraph
  • 03 September 2024

ETF update: safeguarding your rights in the new digital workplace

  • Telegraph
  • 30 August 2024
Health and safety

Heat death warning

  • Telegraph
  • 16 August 2024

Share your diverse knowledge via maritime speaker banks

  • Telegraph
  • 16 August 2024

All hands on deck : new residential and office complex gears up for occupation at Nautilus Mariners' Park

  • Telegraph
  • 14 August 2024

Three owls and a skunk nearly went to sea, but ended up at a fayre

  • Telegraph
  • 09 August 2024

Cadets Q&A: Ask the expert

  • Telegraph
  • 05 August 2024
Nautilus news

Yacht crew: Join Nautilus for protection at work

  • Telegraph
  • 30 July 2024

Yacht members: don't ignore your notice period!

  • Telegraph
  • 30 July 2024

Maritime charity column: charting a steady course for seafarer welfare by SHS CEO Sandra Welch

  • Telegraph
  • 25 July 2024

ITF ShipBeSure: stay safe from scams

  • Telegraph
  • 23 July 2024
Health and safety

Shocking levels of abuse and harassment faced by female seafarers

  • Telegraph
  • 23 July 2024
General secretary message

The new UK government must commit to securing our maritime future

  • Telegraph
  • 19 July 2024

Crewing crisis at Military Sealift Command

  • Telegraph
  • 18 July 2024

David Appleton: welcome progress on pilot ladder safety

  • Telegraph
  • 08 July 2024
Nautilus news

Federation: a historic global vision

  • Telegraph
  • 28 June 2024

ETF update: our priorities in a post-election Europe

  • Telegraph
  • 25 June 2024
Health and safety

Unique challenges of reporting assaults at sea

  • Telegraph
  • 24 June 2024

IMO boss Arsenio Dominguez stresses safety first for seafarers

  • Telegraph
  • 20 June 2024
Members at work

Third officer Scarlett Barnett-Smith on qualifying as an OOW, and changing stereotypes

  • Telegraph
  • 18 June 2024

Is your employer making the most of neurodiverse talent?

  • Telegraph
  • 18 June 2024
Health and safety

Further damning findings on seafarer fatigue

  • Telegraph
  • 17 June 2024

Renewing your career through offshore renewables

  • Telegraph
  • 17 June 2024

Offshore renewables: a fresh way for governments to get behind maritime jobs

  • Telegraph
  • 17 June 2024
Members at work

Freshly graduated Dutch second officer Idske Regtien makes unforgettable voyages.

  • Telegraph
  • 13 June 2024
Members at work

Second engineer Allan Dickson raises the flag for a Merchant Navy career

  • Telegraph
  • 13 June 2024
Members at work

Safeguarding your rights: tips for inland waterways workers

  • Telegraph
  • 07 June 2024

Maritime Charity Column: shore leave are you getting enough?

  • Telegraph
  • 04 June 2024
Health and safety

Crisis at sea: the growing threat of 'fake' deep sea pilots

  • Telegraph
  • 29 May 2024

Nautilus general election manifesto - Turning the Tide: a Mission to Revitalise Our Nation's Maritime Sector

  • Telegraph
  • 24 May 2024
General secretary message

Investors in People Gold means better member support

  • Telegraph
  • 20 May 2024

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